Thrive: A Flop?

Lately I have been browsing around the net trying to ascertain the sort of impact that the Thrive movie is having. While admittedly there is no reliable quantitative way to measure such a thing, from my own experience observing conspiracy theories and conspiracy movements, I’m suspecting that Thrive is not having the impact its makers hoped for–and in fact it may be an out-and-out flop.

It has been more than a month since the release of the film on the Internet. In that brief space of time, “buzz” about the film seems to have declined rather than increased. Stats on how many times it has been paid for and downloaded aren’t very reliable, considering the film was ripped to various torrent sites literally the day it was released (November 11), and it has been popping up on YouTube (and being taken down again) several times in succession. Do a search for the hashtag #ThriveMovement on Twitter and you’ll bring up only 26 hits since December 9–most of which are the same people over and over again, some of whom are critics (including me). The hashtag #Thrive has more hits, but many of them are not related to the movie at all. Indeed, most of the hits on Google regarding the movie lead to conspiracy theorist web forums where someone brings up the movie, it is briefly discussed, and then the participants move on to another topic.

I suspect the model the Thrive makers intended to emulate is the Zeitgeist experience. Zeitgeist: The Movie, a poorly-made Internet documentary released in 2007 which also promoted conspiracy theories, went viral and even sponsored an online cult of followers, the “Zeitgeist Movement,” which is now largely defunct. The buzz on Zeitgeist built slowly and peaked around 2008, but even then the whole “Zeitgeist Movement” had to be kept alive by the release of two (soon to be three) sequels, with each one decreasing markedly in popularity from the previous one. Nevertheless, Zeitgeist had a life-span of about four years. It seems Thrive may be looking at a life-span considerably shorter–months, or perhaps even weeks.

Here are some reasons why I think Thrive may be struggling to achieve or maintain its relevance.

1. Many conspiracy theorists don’t trust Thrive…because they think it’s a conspiracy!

Most of the criticism directed at the Thrive movie is not from people who debunk and disbelieve conspiracy theories, but from the exact opposite. The vast majority of anti-Thrive commentary on the net comes from conspiracy theorists who believe the movie is deliberate “disinformation” made by conspirators!

Take for example this webpage, which warns people not to get “sucked in” to the film. The site rails at the movie thusly:

“The Thrive movie has big advertising. Big names. Big message. Big budget…and it has big “disinformation” mixed with truth. Watch the trailer…and get sucked right in to yet another hijacking of the activist movement by the ruling crime families. This is a hijacking!”

A discussion on a conspiracy-friendly web forum contains similar sentiments, such as this:

“In my opinion the movie was made to suck people’s energy out of them and make them feel hopeless! It is so overwhelming in what they say….I personally believe this film was made by the same elite that he (Gamble) talks about in the movie and how they control every aspect of the world.”

The number one reason paranoid conspiracy theorists distrust Thrive is because its director, Foster Gamble, is a member of the Gamble family (of the corporation Procter & Gamble). To conspiracy theorists, this is proof positive that Gamble is part of the “global elite” that secretly runs the world. This blog has already debunked the ridiculous “Global Domination Agenda” conspiracy theory as presented in Thrive, but, as that article notes, because it is extraordinarily difficult to convince believers in this nutty conspiracy theory that it is not happening, Gamble’s last name plays right into their paranoid delusions and he magically becomes part of the conspiracy.

This type of thing is an occupational hazard of being in the conspiracy theory business. Conspiracy theorists see enemies everywhere and believe that powerful forces are expending a lot of effort to spread “disinformation” to discredit them–for example, many believers in the ridiculous “9/11 was an inside job” conspiracy theory believe that Dr. Judy Wood, who thinks the World Trade Center towers were demolished with super magical beam weapons from outer space, is an agent provocateur who was planted in the “Truth movement” to make it look ridiculous. What they miss is that, in the eyes of the vast majority of the public, conspiracy theorists could not look more ridiculous than they already are.

Gamble either didn’t appreciate this, or gambled (no pun intended) that his name, wealth and connections to a large corporation wouldn’t sour his pro-conspiracy-theory message. Nevertheless, Thrive seems to have a serious credibility problem within the core demographic at which it is aimed, that being paranoid conspiracy theorists.

2. The Thrive movie doesn’t really have a “happy ending.”

Another potential reason Thrive isn’t catching on is because it’s too bleak, and is not clear enough about proposing solutions, which its audience evidently wants to hear about. This is a criticism I’ve seen several places on the net–you can see a hint of it in the second forum post reproduced above. Here is another similar sentiment:

“It pretends to be an examination of the power elite but it conflates this power-elite analysis with an “alien code.” This does two things. For many people it makes the movie a kind of “crackpot” endeavor (and we note they’ve gone out of their way to include many prominent free-market thinkers in their narrative). Second, it doesn’t apparently produce any real solutions, inspiring helplessness and fear rather than inspiration or education.”

It may seem strange that an audience of conspiracy theorists, who love predictions of economic or societal collapse, craves a “happy ending,” but it makes sense if you understand the basic psychology of conspiracy beliefs. Many conspiracy theorists are attracted to these theories because they like the idea of having “secret knowledge” that is generally denied or ignored by the world at large. This gives them a feeling of empowerment, that they’re in a secret club that knows the “truth” and is fighting the good fight to get other people to notice it. However, this dynamic doesn’t work without the implicit assumption that this secret knowledge can do some good. Conspiracy theorists like to think of themselves as Neo, the hero of the 1999 science fiction film The Matrix, who takes the “red pill,” recognizes that the world is fake and then becomes a sort of messiah to bring it down. Those who are bothered by Thrive’s failure to propose “solutions” seem to be disappointed because Gamble has given them the “red pill,” but hasn’t told them what to do with it.

One of the most common conspiracy theorist memes is that people are “waking up.” If you surf conspiracist web sites or read their forum posts you’ll see a lot of metaphors related to sleep, waking up, opening eyes, etc., and material that posits conspiracy theories, especially “Global Domination Agenda” theories and similar tropes, will often be praised as helping “wake people up.” Thrive itself plays on this meme in its promotional poster, showing a woman removing a blindfold. But it seems, interestingly enough, that “waking people up” alone isn’t enough anymore. Conspiracy theorists want to be “inspired” or “educated” as to what they can do about all these horrible conspiracies. Thrive is very short on action points and that seems to bother people.  While it is part of a conspiracy theory narrative, it seems to lack the elements necessary to compel commitment among its followers–meaning, validation of the implicit idea that the “special knowledge” the movie imparts will be of some earthly use.

If Gamble does make a Thrive 2, expect that to be the plot.

3. The conspiracy theory world moves much faster than it used to.

It is possible that, even in the short space of a month since its release, Thrive may have already peaked. Only time will tell, but if this is true, it lends credence to a theory by former JREF debunker Ryan Mackey, who stated recently that the world of conspiracy theories moves a lot faster than it used to thanks to social networking and instant information sources like Twitter. If this is true, it may be a lesson that many purveyors of conspiracy theories have yet to learn.

In November, Mackey published (on the web) a very interesting essay called The Great Internet Conspiracy: The Role of Technology and Social Media in the 9/11 Truth Movement. The essay is very long but a fascinating read. In diagnosing the rise and fall of the 9/11 “Truth” movement from its beginnings in 2005 to its burnout in 2008-09, Mackey analyzes two conspiracy theories that became popular after 9/11 Truth, those being the “Birther” thing (the conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was secretly born in Kenya and his Hawaii birth certificate is a fake), and the Osama bin Laden “deathers” (the conspiracy theory that Osama bin Laden was not killed by US forces on May 1, 2011, or that his death was somehow different than explained, and covered up for whatever bizarre reason). He makes the point that these conspiracy theories peaked much, much faster than 9/11 Truth did, which took years:

“The Birther conspiracy theory…made the jump into the mainstream very quickly. Unlike the Truth Movement, it seems to have begun its runaway growth phase in only a matter of months, steeply increasing in popularity from mid-2009 through April 2011. It peaked with something like 30% of Americans believing the conspiracy theory (there is a lot of scatter in the polls), but then rapidly slipped to a stable support level of about 10%….We see a similar pattern in the Deather conspiracy theory, except here the timeline is compressed even further. This conspiracy theory exploded into the mainstream at the same speed as the news story it challenged, reaching the media almost instantly…

In this case, the conspiracy theory still exhibited distinct phases of initial growth among conspiracy theorists, rapid growth as it assaulted the mainstream, and then a decline back to its conspiracist base, but here it all happened in a matter of hours. It is no coincidence that Twitter played such a significant role this time. As our relationship to the Internet continues to evolve, we now receive news and new information faster than ever, albeit without any sort of context at all. Much of this conversation now takes place on personal devices instead of workstations, which both enables and constrains this new, terse, burst-mode form of communication. As a result, the public experienced the conspiracy theory almost at the moment of its origin, discarded it as nonsense, and moved on.”

Could this be what happened with Thrive? There was a big roll-out and a lot of attention on 11/11, the day of the film’s release. There was Internet traffic, Facebook posts, Twitter posts, and the movie went up on YouTube. Then, as the movie saturated into the conspiracy theorist underground, people saw it, talked about it, and moved on. Now, while Thrive is still out there, it definitely does not have a sense of urgency around it as it did on 11/11. People still do watch it and talk about it, but its momentum doesn’t seem to be building.

Indeed, statistics from this blog could support this theory. I started this blog within days after Thrive’s release because I knew that in order to have any impact, fact-checking and debunking the film would have to be essentially simultaneous with the film’s discovery–meaning, people who Google “Thrive movie” for the first time, and are introduced to it, must also be introduced to its debunking material at the same time. At this I think this blog has been pretty successful. The high water mark of page views on this blog occurred on November 26, Thanksgiving weekend. Since then, views have been declining–just, as I suspect, like views of the Thrive movie itself.

If Foster Gamble hoped that Thrive would replicate the “success” of Zeitgeist, he may well not have taken the increased speed of the conspiracy underground into account. Zeitgeist was released in 2007, toward the end of the 9/11 Truth movement. But even four years ago the Internet moved much slower than it does now. People could continually discover the Zeitgeist movies on YouTube and other video sources at their own pace and then buy into its conspiracy ideology, which by the advent of the Zeitgeist Movement, was ready and waiting to receive them. This doesn’t seem to be happening with Thrive. At least, I don’t see indications that it’s going to have a slow simmer that will eventually build into some sort of mass discovery of the movie or its messages. While we can’t know for sure until more time passes, it could very well be that Thrive peaked on Thanksgiving weekend, and may never attain that level of interest again.

Of course, this prediction could be wrong. Thrive may gain a high-profile supporter or suddenly and inexplicably achieve some type of viral saturation–maybe as part and parcel of the ridiculous but inevitable “2012 doomsday” hysteria that is certainly right around the corner. And it’s always possible that Gamble may make a follow-up movie or take some other action to try to capitalize on the film. But if it does gain a sudden notoriety, I would be very surprised if that translates into sustained and durable popularity. I just don’t think Thrive has it in itself.

Is Thrive really “waking people up”?

As stated earlier in this essay, conspiracy theorists love to believe that they are “waking people up” and “opening people’s eyes.” Indeed the conviction that conspiracy theory X or Y is gaining more and more acceptance with the general public is a virtually universal belief among conspiracy theorists, even in the total absence of evidence that it is true. For example, far fewer people today believe that “9/11 was an inside job” than did in 2005-06, yet Truthers are still out there claiming that “critical mass” of belief in their conspiracy theory is right around the corner, or, even more astonishingly, that a majority of the public already believes that 9/11 was a government conspiracy and that their work in convincing people is largely done. No amount of evidence that the Truth movement is dead could convince these believers.

Similarly, I would be very surprised to encounter an enthusiastic supporter of Thrive who does not believe that the movie is a rip-roaring success that is going to gain millions of converts. This despite the fact that the mainstream media has completely ignored the film, views of the film are apparently declining after only a month, and the film is encountering significant obstacles to widespread acceptance by large segments of the conspiracy underground. The fiction of Thrive gradually snowballing, gaining converts and credibility until it bursts into the mainstream with legions of high-commitment supporters, is probably one that we are going to encounter for quite some time to come.  However, I have seen no evidence that this is even close to true, and considerable anecdotal evidence that the opposite is true.

Thrive is not “waking people up.” Indeed, it appears to be putting them to sleep.

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37 responses to “Thrive: A Flop?”

  1. SlayerX3 says :

    I think the main flaw of thrive as a conspiracy theory “documentary” was to be completely broad, bland and unfocused.

    Zeitgeist despise of having several inaccuracies it stuck with its point in all movies(sort of) while Thrive handwaved and lets say flashed several popular and other obscure conspiracies theories mashed together but without focusing in a particular one, while implying “all of those are happening right now”.

    And by trying to please several different groups (the UFO crowd, the 09/11 Truthers, the Jew-Reptilians/International bankers/NWO crowds, the Free energy and the alternative medicine crowds) Thrive ultimately failed to please and attract all of these groups at the same time, given that they even if their interests interlap most don’t still trust each other.

    But guess what was possibly dug the grave for Thrive and Thrive movement ? POLITICAL AFFILIATION.

    By the end of the thrive movie and at the Thrive Movement website, there is a clear and overt support of green new age libertarian ideas and concepts, including supporting Ron Paul ideas and pushing him as a viable candidate to “fix” all the problems presented in Thrive, this sound pleasing to some groups but others even see politicians and “icons of traditional power” as part of the problem or just frontmen of the covert groups, conspiracy theorists dislike (wolves in sheep clothing).

    Gamble failed to account that even if libertarian ideas are quite popular among conspiracy theorists, it doesn’t take much to notice they also have clear totalitarian tendencies (see the Zeitgeist movement).

    And as Muertos pointed out the lack of “collapse porn” doesn’t give the feel conspiracy theorists cling to, the feel they have that because of their secret knowledge they will be able to take over civilization and rebuild the word as they see fit, free of the “secret societies and ruling elites” and create they utopias.

  2. The Locke says :

    I’m still thinking it will peek in 2012…

    • SlayerX3 says :

      I don’t think so, the movie didn’t make much mentions to the 2012 alleged apocalypse.

      If more than anything else it is the religious and new age nuttheads that will get most of the attention, the Thrive Movement might even get attention but I guess it will be soon eclipsed by someone or some group making a bold and completely stupid claim that will feature on the news for a while, just like that rapture craze was in 2011.

  3. Hollywood Tomfortas says :

    Excellent points, Muertos! McLuhan said it 50 years ago: the medium is the message, but of course he didn’t live to see the media acceleration today, which as you say is the message of THRIVE and why it is well, not thriving. I also like that idea of “doomsday porn” as everyone and his brother seem to be making these end of world movies and videos now just like all the amateur real porno-tube sites. Well, hell, that’s Sigmund Freud: death and sex, thanatos and eros — watch a doomsday movie today which inspires you to fuck like there’s no tomorrow!

    You might be interested in reading Foster Gamble’s recent response to a critic.
    Here is the original article on Reality Sandwich

    and here is Foster’s “masterful” rebuttal of the article

  4. Hollywood Tomfortas says :

    Actually, I see that Foster Gamble has put up his response on the Reality Sandwich blog

    What is interesting is to compare the commentaries on the above RS blog with the commentaries on Foster’s blog site.

    Why, it’s a lot like watching the cheering sections on each side of a college football game. Rah Rah Rah!
    Gimme a T ——– Teeee
    Gimme an H —– aytch
    Gimme a R ———arrrre
    Gimme an I ——- eyeyeyeye
    Gimme a V———– Veee
    Gimme an E —— eeeeee

    Whaddaya got? THRIVE!!!!
    I can’t hear you! THRIVE!!!!
    Again!! THRIVE!!!!

  5. muertos says :

    Yes, I have seen Foster Gamble’s response to criticisms that you posted. I find it very interesting that he uses the term “government trolls” to refer to critics of his movie. That is again taking a page from the Zeitgeist playbook, as the Zeitgeist cult is well known for referring to anyone who disagrees with them about anything as a “troll.”

    I invite Foster Gamble to comment on this blog and to post, if he should desire, any responses he has to the factual and logical challenges we’ve made to the material in his deceptive film. If Mr. Gamble wishes to respond to any points made here, I guarantee I will present his responses verbatim and uncensored.

  6. Professor Pious says :

    Another barometer of the Thrive flop can be found on the Thrive Movement web site. The “Solutions/Critical Mass Actions” page attempts to organize fans to participate in various ways on different issues handpicked by Gamble and crew:

    Here’s the pitch: “Would you take part in a social change action if 10,000, 100,000 or 1,000,000 others joined you?” In Gamble’s rebuttal to Charles Eisenstein, he claims that over one million people have viewed Thrive so far. Support for the various actions on the page range from a low of 1167 to a high of 1946. So for every 1000 people who have seen Thrive so far, fewer than 2 of them choose to participate in Thrive’s “mass actions.” At this rate of participation, it will be another 10 years or so until a million people have joined Thrive’s pet causes.

    Was the movie intended to kick-start a genuine movement? The similarity of the web site’s name on Zeitgeist’s suggests so.

    I think the other main target audience is the New Age crowd. Months before the movie’s release, the trailer was promoted by dozens of New Age and metaphysical web sites of every flavor. Many of the comments to Foster Gamble’s rebuttal indicate such a fan base. Among Facebook acquaintances, only two people who regularly indulge in popular conspiracy theories promoted the movie, versus dozens who hold alternative “New Age” beliefs. In fact, nearly every person I know in the latter category has been sharing the Thrive trailer. The “secret lore” hook of crop circles, ETs, UFOs, and ancient cultures is irresistible to most New Agers. Feature a few New Age pop icons such as Deepak Chopra, David Icke, and Nassim Haramein, then add in the marketing gimmick of releasing the movie on 11/11/11 and voila, the movie had an instant fan base.

    The “waking up” meme hold a somewhat different meaning for people with esoteric spiritual beliefs, simply put, that of being “spiritually awake.” Yet the notion of being spiritually awake is pretty much the same, sharing in some sort of secret knowledge, giving a sense of exclusivity. Someone spiritually asleep, for example, would not know that there is any supermystical spiritual significance to 11/11/11 (though they might sense the human mind’s affinity for patterns and symmetry has an appeal of its own).

    So what makes a movie a New Age blockbuster? That’s a question that could easily be several blog entries itself. Consider the movies “The Celestine Prophecy,” “The Secret,” and “What The Bleep Do We Know?” All three purport to reveal some sort of secret knowledge, working the empowerment angle, even to the point of getting something for nothing simply by thinking good thoughts. But what’s lacking is the feel good, cotton candy aspect: there’s no promise of personal wealth, happiness, spiritual advancement, or escapism that clinches the New Age sales pitch.

    Thanks for the update Muertos, its encouraging to see this sort of genre’s popularity on the wane.

    Disclaimer: I am not now, and have never been, a government employee or contractor, nor an employee of any group, company, or nonprofit that receives government money, contracts, or any other such compensation.

  7. tmasthenes says :

    Internet Radio interview (14:18) with Foster & Kimberly Gamble about the occult symbolism in THRIVE. Recorded 12/22/11

  8. Hollywood Tomfortas says :

    Wow, Muertos, it looks like the new THRIVE religion has its own version of the Ten Commandments just like the ancient Hebrews had.

    1. Get Informed, Speak Up & Connect with Others
    2. Bank Locally
    3. Buy and Invest Responsibly
    4. Join the Movement to Audit and End the Federal Reserve
    5. Keep the Internet Fair & Open
    6. Support Independent Media
    7. Support Organic, Non-GMO Farming
    8. Require Election & Campaign Finance Reform
    9. Advocate for Renewable and “Free” Energy
    10. Take Part in Critical Mass Action

    Now I would say that because you created and maintain this blog, you are definitely following commandments 1,5, 6 and 10, but you’re going to have to work on #9. However, at this rate of progress, you might end up as one of the more important prophets for the cult. A regular Jeremiah, let’s say!

  9. Hollywood Tomfortas says :

    Excellent left-wing progressive critique of THRIVE on HuffPo

    and Foster’s response here:

    I’m struck by how void of content and bland are Foster’s responses. I guess we could term him as guru with his followers as the “bland leading the bland.” ;=)

    • muertos says :

      It is a shame that Georgia Kelly focuses her critique on Gamble’s political affiliation and doesn’t say a word about the ludicrous and factually untrue conspiracy theories pushed by the film. I really don’t care about Gamble’s politics, though certainly I agree with Ms. Kelly that imposing policy visions similar to Ron Paul’s would be a grotesque and irrevocable disaster for America, but Ron Paul and his Libertarian cronies will never achieve mainstream political power anyway, so there’s little need to worry about that. I wish the Huffington Post article had at least mentioned that Thrive, far from being a political statement, encourages conspiracist thinking and pushes demonstrably false conspiracy theories. That, I think, is a much greater problem with the movie than its tepid “solutions,” which are so vague and non-specific as to be meaningless.

  10. Eyes Wide Open says :

    Is this a Rockefeller or Rothschild backed blog? Wont post my comments and will only post your fellow cronies fake posts? Your time is over… the light is coming – I suggest crawling back into the holes you came out of.

    • The Locke says :

      Oh yes! I’m getting paid $0.00 a week from them just to post comments on this blog…

    • muertos says :

      The only comments I have not approved, regardless of content, are obvious automatically-generated spam comments. I approved a previous comment of yours. Some commenters have had trouble seeing their comments show up, however. If you have more to say and it’s not showing up, email it to me at and I’ll post it manually.

      I do not work for the Rockefellers or Rothschilds. What a ridiculous assertion.

  11. Hollywood Tomfortas says :

    I do not work for the Rockefellers or Rothschilds. What a ridiculous assertion.

    Yes, but there may only be 2 degrees of separation between you and someone who DOES work for them, thus implicating you in the conspiracy to thwart the dissemination of the THRIVE message to the world.

    Plus you have failed to show any evidence to demonstrate definitively that you are NOT a government troll whose mission it is to confuse, bamboozle and obfuscate Foster Gamble and his thriving followers.

    You, Sir Muertos, are on the wrong side of history!

  12. GD says :

    Good movie … thanks !

  13. dan says :

    “Haha, yeah, of course I’m part of the conspiracy! At my other blog you can read about how the leader of the Zeitgeist Movement insists I’m a paid disinformation agent:”

    I am not a crazy person. I do not claim to know the truth, or to be an expert in any field of science. It is not my opinion that muerto is a paid dis informant agent. But to say that a lack of existence evidence = an evident lack of existence, is a very closed minded approach to any complex problem. breakthroughs do not happen people say ” well, none of the numbers add up here, its just not possible ” I do believe there is too much secrecy in the governments. I do believe there can be a better way of life. I do believe there are greedy people who would withhold better technology for the simple reason of greed and profit. These beliefs are not based on what zeitgeist or Thrive say about government coverup. My beliefs are based on what I have seen people do in business. Seeing this (natural) human reaction to being put in a system that values pieces of worthless paper that have a legally imposed value attached to it, caused me to believe that however diabolical these accusations are, it is completely theoretically possible and to me seemingly more likely.

    The governments should not be allowed to keep their actions secret, and leaders should be held legally responsible for their orders and actions. (ie. George.W.Bush invading Iraq under the false ( even muerto cant argue this one ) pretense that they knew there were wmd’s in Iraq. Didn’t they go over to the middle east to hunt osama??? I dare you to argue that it was not about the oil………, if you are in agreement, then war (which costs the people more money than anything else in the united states) is included in the cost of oil/energy. I think this would make it the largest industry in the world.

    • muertos says :

      Maybe, instead of basing your beliefs on generalizations from what you have observed in business, you will in the future evaluate things based on whether there is evidence to support them.

      As for the Iraq war, I can’t even begin to see why this is in any way relevant to the factual distortions, errors and inaccuracies in the Thrive movie. Regardless of what anyone thinks about that war (which I opposed, BTW), how does this have anything to do with whether the movie that is the subject of this blog is or is not factually accurate? It’s so far off in left field that I can’t even imagine why you would mention it.

      • dan says :

        I agree with you that one shouldn’t take theories based strictly on faith that what other people say is true. That being said, everyone has the right to believe whatever they want. I personally do not have a strong enough conviction to stop using banks and live like a hippie, or become a radical. But, in my opinion, there are too many coincidences, testimonials, and documentation in the theories to just dismiss them all. some things should require disproving without a doubt.

        As far as my discussion of the Iraq war, it is to me (and many other sane and non-conspiracy theorists) one of the most blatantly obvious misdirected use of power, shows of public manipulation, and hidden agendas in the government. It seemed to me to give some validity to any conspiracy theorists claiming secrecy, coverups, hidden agendas, and mal-intent for the purpose of gain.

        perhaps you are right in that it was a bit left field.

        I do have to say that I dont quite swallow the world domination thing. The alien talk was a little crazy, but it interested me because of my long standing interest in new energy technology. There is a lot of documentation and testimonials to support the alien thing ( not saying that I believe it ), so it should be dis proven before dismissed. I do believe that the only way for it to be disproved, is for the government to disclose all its information.

        I do find it interesting that you would spend this much time and effort to argue your opinion about something in which you do not believe. I personally have no desire to post on this blog again, for the simple fact that you cant prove or dis prove anything by arguing on a blog. I could tell you that I think you are a government agent on here to misdirect and repress the truth. you would say “no I’m not ” and I would say “prove it” and you could say ” prove that I’m am “……………so on and so fourth. its pointless. Anyhow, It has been interesting. Thanks

        Good luck to all interested in the truth (whatever it may be)

  14. Awake Anon says :

    Regardless, unless you have the knowledge on the ancient symbol “The Flower of Life” you have no grounds to debunk this movie. The flower of life literally ties everything together.

    Unfortunately, the unaware will continue down their path of presupposition and perverted love for the status quo and established institutions.

    Science AND Spirituality are one.

    • muertos says :

      Please demonstrate, with specific factual information, where you believe my analysis of the “Flower of Life” issues are incorrect. Cite reliable sources to back up your assertions.

      • Awake Anon says :

        Not a good use of my energy. You go ahead and pursue your path, best of luck with it, I only hope you awaken beyond the finite, materialistic understanding of the universe.

        If a person completely identifies themselves with their mind and ego. They will never see. Humanity has not stopped evolving.

        ps. who’s paying you off? the oil companies? 😛

      • muertos says :

        Why do you assume I must be paid by anyone to write this blog? Because I disagree with conspiracy theories?

  15. Hollywood Tomfortas says :

    In Gamble’s rebuttal to Charles Eisenstein, he claims that over one million people have viewed Thrive so far.

    Hey, that figure is sooo last year! The viewership for THRIVE is up to 2 million now!

    From a message 2 days ago written by Foster Gamble:

    THRIVE has enjoyed over 95% rave reviews, being seen by about 2 million people in a little over 2 months.

    There have been almost 3,000 self created home and public screenings all over the world and THRIVE solutions groups are forming and taking action in cities, states and countries as well.

    Doesn’t sound like THRIVE is a flop now, does it? Why at this exponential rate of growth, the whole world will see it just before the Mayan Calendar ends in 11 months. And maybe that will prevent the end of the world as we know it.

  16. Luis says :

    What do you people think the solution for the world problem is?
    So we are free?
    Do we find the answer inside ourselves?
    Pleeeeeeeeese Heeeeeeeeeeeelp.
    Please be smart and join forces some how.

    • muertos says :

      If you’re asking me “What’s your solution to the world’s problems?”, it’s obvious you have not read the FAQ:


  17. Luis says :

    Muertos go home!. I’m not asking you at all.
    I’m trying to say something to people go common sense.
    not to Rockeffeler o whatever is name is.
    (muertos means dead people in spanish …. that explains it)
    wake! up now before is too late…. H0! you are dead.
    Alive people will win this war. I promise.
    Don’t answer me please dead.

    • muertos says :

      You posted on my blog asking what my solution to the world’s problems is…now you say you weren’t asking me and don’t care because…wait, what?

      Your comment is totally incoherent.

  18. Gary says :

    Hello Muertos, like the blog, very logical. I might echo the first comment when I say that what stops Thrive from being more popular has at least some to do with it not presenting any original ideas, or rather that its one semi-original idea (which I’ve heard before anyway) is to create a sort of “Grand Unified Theory” (GUT for any visiting particle physicists) of conspiracies. In that sense it does go after what might be an important dilemma for conspiracy theorists, though. I might, for example, believe fervently that 9/11 was a hoax, but be rational enough to otherwise dismiss most other conspiracy theories (ancient astronauts? No way!). However if I’m clever enough I will also realize that there’s nothing stopping all other conspiracy theorists from doing the same, and that my initial choice of believing the 9/11 hoax is somewhat arbitrary (a similar argument would presumably apply to religion). Apparently then I’d have three options; 1) to continue to live with the tension of accepting one improbable theory while rejecting other improbable theories, 2) Reject all conspiracy theories (No way, man! I’m not a square!), or 3) Accept all conspiracy theories, bar none. The film seems to have checked option three, and I doubt it’s at all difficult to find some connection linking these things together (one can find connections between ANYTHING, really).

    Doing only this, though, it doesn’t really do anything more then regurgitate ideas that are already out there, and so aside from providing a course in “Conspiracy Theory 101” it does little to excite new fans (as might be different if it were, say, the first movie that goes over claims by Birthers, thus adding something new to the genre “Conspiracy movies”). That being said I did find it entertaining, in the same way I find Atheist vs. Religion debate videos entertaining (the best is having Thrive in the background while doing Quantum Mechanics homework; it’s always fun listening to magical toroid’s while trying to solve for the reflection coefficient of a step potential ). I think it’s tiring me out a bit though, so I might move on to “What the Bleep do we know”, available on Netflix. Anyway, just some thoughts, again like the blog…

  19. Rachel says :

    Blog title: Thrive debunked.

    Am I missing something here?
    Please correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t “debunk” mean “to expose by ridiculing”?

    In that case, anyone can “debunk” anything. What people who pay attention should be demanding is PROOF and FACTS. If one is to debunk something, can it be backed up by FACTS.

    If what Foster Gamble is speaking is UNTRUE, where are the FACTS to disprove what he has said?

    Unlike most, I don’t believe everything I see or hear just because it was on TV. I deal only in facts. Where are the FACTS, the PROOF that what he says isn’t true?